Petty Harbour

This weekend has been a lonely one. For some reason I've been feeling especially like an outsider. When that happens, I tend to make a run for it--to the ocean.

@IslandRooms on Twitter told me this about my photo: "This is called Mad Rock.If rock inside of it is covered by waves then fishermen don't go out on the Ledge-favoured fishing berth"

I tried to get photos of people in St. John's yesterday, but was shut down pretty strongly both times I asked. I try so hard not to take it personally, (I know I would refuse.) but I struggle with remembering that when I sometimes spend up to two hours trying to get the courage to approach one person. 

I don't know what it is about wharfs and the water that calms me down. When I got back to my place, I popped in my headphones and headed for the "Protestant side" of Petty Harbour and snapped a couple photos. I am still feeling dissatisfied with my pictures of Newfoundland, but I keep telling myself that the only way I will get better and see it with perspective, is to keep practicing. 

A local fisherman took the time to talk to me for a few minutes, and I appreciated it. I may be an introvert, but since moving here I've discovered I miss conversations with people--I took it for granted back home.

Petty Harbour feels like its own world. I've told people that sometimes it feels like I'm living in a book. There's something about it that reaches out and makes things seem like they are going to be okay. 

I love it for that.